Improvised Polyphony Workshop with Tim Braithwaite

Holy Trinity, Rotherhithe London

Drawing on historical visualisation and memorisation techniques, this session aims to introduce the participant to the basic building blocks of improvised counterpoint. The session is led by Tim Braithwaite, director...

The Crucifixus Trilogy Chamber Weekender

St Barnabas, Pimlico London

A trilogy of Crucifixus settings by Antonio Lotti, plus Lotti’s setting of Ad Dominum cum tribularer, as well as the Salve Regina by his Venetian forebear, Francesco Cavalli.  Directed by...

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

SEMF Workshop with Peter Wendland

Headcorn Village Hall Kent

Workshop for voices and instruments directed by Peter Wendland, including works by Hassler, Victoria, Lassus, Praetorius, and Zielenski.

BMEMF Workshop for Singers: Palestrina with David Allinson

The Trinity Centre, Shrewsbury

Join David Allinson for a day exploring Palestrina’s music, in a programme which moves from the majestic to the intimate, from the contemplative to the joyful, and which avoids well-worn...

EEMF Workshop: Celano with George Parris

Castle Street Methodist Church, Cambridge

Messa La Luna Piena (The ‘Full Moon’ Mass) in 8 parts by Giuseppe Corsi da Celano.  A workshop for singers and instruments with George Parris.

Morales in Granada 2025

Monasterio de San Bernardo, Granada

This course, directed by Gabriel Díaz, will celebrate the music of Spain’s first great composer.  It will be held in the monastery of San Bernardo, in the shadow of the...

The Renaissance Singers – Josquin Workshop

St Stephen's, Rochester Row London

This practical workshop, led by Tim Braithwaite, explores how Josquin and his contemporary singer-composers actually visualised their music and the compositional techniques they employed in a musical language so very...

MEMF Workshop with David Allinson

Collegiate Church of Saint Mary, Stafford Saint Marys Place, Stafford

Hei Mihi, Domine – Iberian Penitential Motets.  A workshop for voices with David Allinson.

Platinum Consort Bach Club Workshop

St Mary's Church, Battersea London

Whether you're new to singing Bach or a seasoned Bach Club stalwart, these workshops offer a chance to deepen your appreciation of his genius. Directed by Scott Inglis-Kidger.

TVEMF Workshop: Stadlmayr with Gawain Glenton

Chorleywood War Memorial Hall

Johann Stadlmayr’s polychoral music for the Habsburg Courts - a workshop for singers and renaissance instruments with Gawain Glenton.    

NWEMF Workshop with Philip Thorby

Didsbury Baptist Church Beaver Rd, Manchester

Workshop on Missa Diligam Te Domine a 12 by Giovanni Valentini, for voices and instruments, led by Philip Thorby.

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

The Earth Quakes Chamber Weekender

St Barnabas, Pimlico London

Join the Platinum Consort to enjoy both the soloistic and consort aspects of six of the finest anthems by William Byrd.  Directed by Scott Inglis-Kidger.

Voices and Viols

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

A weekend of 16th and 17th century vocal music ‘apt for voyces and vyalls’, playing mainly in small groups. Tutors: Emma Kirkby, Alison Crum.

Revelry and Refinement: Medieval Band Camp

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

A fun and inclusive introduction to playing and singing medieval repertoire for all instrumentalists and singers. Tutors: Emily Baines, Arngeir Hauksson (Amyas).

NEEMF Workshop with Robert Hollingworth

St James URC, Newcastle

A joint NEEMF/ABCD workshop with Robert Hollingworth in Newcastle, exploring familiar and unknown music to encircle Palm Sunday.

MEMF Workshop with George Parris

St Faith and St Laurence Church, Harborne Birmingham

George Parris will tutor this workshop, for voices and instruments, on Lamentations by Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla & López Capillas.

Round Byrd Choral Evensong

St Mary's, Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire

Evensong for the eve of Palm Sunday (Hosannah to the son of David – Gibbons / Wood in F). Round Byrd is an occasional choir focussing on the “performance” of...

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

Come & Sing: Vivaldi and Handel

Holy Sepulchre, London

Ring in the Easter Weekend by joining with fellow singers to form the chorus of Vivaldi’s Gloria and Handel’s Coronation Anthems.

Baroque Oratorio

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

Perform Charpentier's sacred masterpiece Messe pour MrMauroy. Tutors: Miguel Jaloto, Nick Shaw, Kinga Gaborjani, Gail Hennessy, Judy Tarling.

Singing Weekend with Tim Knight

Whalley Abbey Clitheroe

Music will be taken from 'The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems' and 'The Oxford Book of English Madrigals'.

Singing Weekend with Tim Knight

Whalley Abbey Clitheroe

Music will be taken from 'The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems' and 'The Oxford Book of English Madrigals'.

Tenby: A Portuguese Requiem 2025

St Mary’s Church, Tenby Pembrokeshire

A course directed by Patrick Craig in the historic Pembrokeshire port, centred on the six-part Requiem of the Portuguese composer Manuel Cardoso (c. 1566-1650), interspersed with funerary motets by other...

When in Rome – Renaissance music from the Eternal City

Swallowbeck Methodist Church, Lincoln

A workshop for voices and instruments with Greg Skidmore (I Fagiolini) - voices, and Sue Addison (His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts) - instruments. Music will depend on the number of...

Come & Sing Bach’s Mass in B Minor

St Matthew's, Croydon

Join the Croydon Bach Choir for an exhilarating workshop under the expert guidance of Music Director, Tim Horton. Open to singers of all levels who can follow a score.

Dorset Bach Cantata Club

D’Urberville Centre, Wool

JS Bach Cantata 118: O Jesu Christ, mein’s lebens Licht. JS Bach Cantata 146: Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal. JS Bach Motet BWV 230: Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden.

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

Benevoli Workshop with Robert Hollingworth

All Saints Clifton Bristol

A workshop for singers led by Robert Hollingworth, on the 4-choir Missa Benevola, by the 17th-century Franco-Italian composer Orazio Benevoli.

Renaissance Polyphony

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

Glorious renaissance polyphony for choir with historic brass. Tutors: Jeremy West and Gareth Wilson.

Voices, Viols & Recorders Association

Halsway Manor Halsway Lane, Crowcombe, Taunton

An un-tutored course for experienced singers and players of early instruments.  Non-fixed ensembles of recorders and viols form the main part of the week with a variety of small singing...

Portuguese Polyphony in Braga

Hotel Vila Gale, Braga , Portugal

This course is for experienced singers who want to improve their choral technique and enjoy exploring a rich mix of repertoire in a convivial social setting.  Musical Director: David Ogden.

Gregorian Chant: The Joys of Singing

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

An inclusive course for all to experience Gregorian chant in a friendly, entertaining, informative and enjoyable context. Tutor: John Rowlands-Pritchard.

Round Byrd – Gibbons’ 400th Anniversary

St Mary's, Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire

Orlando Gibbons’ 400th anniversary (Second Service / See, see the Word is incarnate). Round Byrd is an occasional choir focussing on the “performance” of English Cathedral Music from the 16th...

Music at Monteconero 2025

Monteconero, Sirolo

A course directed by Rory McCleery in a former monastery, now a small hotel, on the Adriatic coast of Italy.  The repertoire is centred on the larger-scale music of the...

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

Come & Sing: Bach: Mass in B minor

Queen's Gate House London

Come and sing Bach: Mass in B minor choruses with Goldsmiths Choral Union choir, conducted by Jack Apperley.

London Motet & Madrigal Club Meeting

St Michael's Church, Cornhill, London

A London-based music club who meet once a month to sing repertoire from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras from Britain and Europe.

Skipton 2025: The Baldwin Partbooks

Holy Trinity Church, Skipton North Yorkshire

A course directed by Bill Carslake, with repertoire drawn from the larger-scale works in one of the most important sources of Tudor church music, the Baldwin Partbooks.

Beauchamp Early Music Week

Malvern College

This residential course is for singers and players of Renaissance instruments and has been running for many years.

Lincoln Summer School

Lincoln University

Orlando Gibbons and the music of Westminster Abbey. This course, directed by Patrick Craig explores anthems by three towering musicians of Westminster Abbey, focussing on Orlando Gibbons who died in...

Stile Antico Summer School & Festival

Gresham's School, Norfolk

The group will teach two courses: Vocal Ensembles - a course designed to improve ensemble singing skills.  Participants will be divided into small groups, normally with just one or two...

Assisi Summer School

Piazza del Comune, Assisi

Assisi 2025 – Palestrina, Prince of Music, with Musical Director Rory McCleery.

The Great Malvern Festival of Singing

Malvern College

The festival will be in three independent parts, with one part being an in depth look at some Music of the Renaissance and how to sing Plainsong.

Early Music Summer School

Higham Hall Bassenthwaite Lake, Cockermouth, Cumbria

For competent singers, viol and recorder players, covering music c1450-c1650.

Baroque Week Summer School

Queen Anne's School Caversham, Berkshire

The theme for 2025 is Visiting Vienna: Exploring Music at the Habsburg Court.

HISS 2025

Bishop Burton College York Road, Bishop Burton

The Historically Informed Summer School - where folk, traditional and early music meet.

Parma and the Court of Mantua

Mercure Parma Centro Stendhal , Italy

This course is for experienced singers who want to improve their choral technique and enjoy exploring a rich mix of repertoire in a convivial social setting.  Repertoire includes works by...

Madrigals and Partsongs

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

Chamber choir and consort singing of madrigals and Partsongs.

NEEMF Workshop: Ludus Danielis with Trouvere

Burley in Wharfedale Methodist Church

Workshop for singers and instrumentalists, led by Trouvere (Gill Page and Paul Leigh) and Richard de Winter.  Ludus Danielis - The Play of Daniel.  Details TBC.

Purcell for Singers & Continuo

Benslow Music Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire

An opportunity for singers and continuo players to explore Purcell's solo songs and ensemble works in detail with Emily Owen and Satoko Doi-Luck.